How do you spell it?
How do you spell it? Do you spell the word CEMETARY or CEMETERY?
Although all authoritative references spell the word with 3 Es, I see many examples of the word being spelled CEMETARY online and on signs. In fact, I see reference the the “A” spelling of the word that I simply think of it as a variant spelling.
Where did this spelling originate? states the word is Late Latin originating from a Greek word meaning “A Sleeping Place.” According to that reference, the word is spelled with 3 Es.
Although the book stephen king pet sematary“>Pet Sematary includes “A”s, Stephen King is not to blame for the single “A” spelling variant. In fact, I’ve seen references to the word “Cemetary” predating the 1981 release of the book.
I am an occasional poster on the message system called “Reddit.” It’s funny to read online message boards where someone mistakenly misspells the word only to be chastised by other members of the forum or by spelling “bots” that make suggestions on the correct spelling…sometimes rather rudely.
Does Cemetary(sic) Spelling Matter?
Irrespective of how anyone spells the word, I never take offense at simple misspellings because I know the intended use of the word. Besides, I’ve never been a perfect speller, myself. The only time it spelling (really) matters to me is when you type in my website address. But, then, you can simply Google “The Cemetery Detective.“
By following the Google links, you will be able to find the following sources:
– The Cemetery Detective Website
– My YouTube Channel with over 70 Cemetery Research videos.
– The Cemetery Detective’s Facebook Page.
– Or my Twitter Channel dealing with Cemeteries.
Do you have instances of signs with “Cemetery” written on an official sign of a cemetery? I would like to hear about them or see photos. You can contact me directly via my Contact Form.
Here are a few photos of “Cemetary” I’ve taken recently: