On all of his travels, there are two stops The Cemetery Detective cannot refuse. The first, of course, is a cemetery. The second is a mountain. If there is a mountain within sight, The Cemetery Detective will climb it. In fact, The Cemetery Detective has challenged himself to reach the highpoint in each of the 50 states. He is halfway to his goal with 25 highpoints scaled.
The challenge of reaching a state highpoint is intensified when there is a cemetery within easy reach. Arkansas’ highpoint “Mt. Magazine” proved to be a fun highpoint to reach due to several interesting cemeteries along the drive to the base of the hike.
Corley Family Cemetery proved to be a plesant stop along Arkansas backroads. Corley – Paris, Arkansas – is a small family cemetery located in Logan County that is well maintained. Even within the envelope of a hot, humid, Arkansas summer, the plentiful shade trees and fresh colorful flowers made us glad we stopped long enough to view the gravestones before proceeding to climb Mt. Magazine.

BTW, if you are interested in climbing Arkansas’ highpoint, the trail leading up Mt. Magazine’s 2753′ peak is an easy hike for most skill levels.