St. Paul’s Cemetery – Bermuda – Finding a Zinc Monument on Bermuda

As a cemetery enthusiast, I am always excited to find Zinc Monuments.

St. Pauls Cemetery Sign Bermuda

St. Paul’s Cemetery contains a Zinc (White Bronze) grave marker from the Monumental Bronze Company.

As a cemetery enthusiast, I am always excited to find Zinc Monuments. My casual tour of St. Paul’s Cemetery turned into excitement as I found a zinc marker.

Zinc Monuments are fairly common in United States’ Cemeteries. However, I did not expect to find a zinc monument on Bermuda. Zinc monuments were sold by the Monumental Bronze Company between 1875 and 1912. They were sold under the name of White Bronze as a marketing gimmick to make them more appealing than using the word “zinc.”

Bermuda Zinc Gravestone

A rare find of a Zinc grave marker from the Monumental Bronze Company.

I always love finding Zinc grave markers in cemeteries. To the trained eye, they are easy to spot. It’s fun “showing off” to people interested in cemeteries. “See that grave stone? If I rap it with my knuckles, it will ring out like metal.” And when they realize it’s hollow, they love exploring the inscriptions and removable panels (never remove a panel unless you have permission of the owner. Here’s a short video I made of zinc markers in the snow:

St. Pauls Cemetery - Bermuda

Bermuda Stone Gravemarker

St. Pauls Bermuda

Bermuda Cemetery

Christ Church Presbyterian Church of Scotland – Bermuda

Christ Presbyterian Church – along Middle Road Warwick, Bermuda

christ church cemetery bermuda

Christ Church
Presbyterian Church of Scotland

With all the beautiful bays and vistas on South Road, it certainly is a fantastic drive. However, Bermuda’s Middle Road should not be overlooked.
On my motor scooter, tooling along Middle Road toward Somerset, I almost missed Christ Church in Warwick Parish. With brakes locked up, gravel beneath my 10″ wheels, and clouds of shrapnel embedded dust, I slid to a dramatic stop directly in front the church sign.

Church Of Scotland - Bermuda

The original Christ Church was built in 1719. With three hundred years of history, Christ church has a long Presbyterian tradition on Bermuda and its cemetery shows the traditional way the church family cares for those who have passed on. The cemetery contains over three hundred grave sites. Many of these sites are several hundred years old. A brief walk through the cemetery shows traditional style grave site construction.

St. Peter’s Church and Cemetery – St. Georges Bermuda

The preeminent cemetery in St. Georges Bermuda is the cemetery that surrounds St. Peter’s Church.

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter’s Cemetery – St. Georges Bermuda

My tours of Cemeteries are always eventful. There’s always something exciting to see either within the cemetery or on the journey there.
This latest adventure trumps all previous cemetery hunting trips. I would like to give a special THANKS to everyone who sent well wishes. I would also like to thank everyone who has sent notes after my arrival in Bermuda. We sailed through a Category 1 Hurricane in the North Atlantic. Winds topped 70knts and our sailboat crested waves 30 feet high. We are currently compiling all my records, pictures, and video. In the coming weeks we will release a documentary on the trip to Bermuda and my study of the cemeteries there. Until the documentary is complete, I will begin posting pictures and recaps from the cemeteries I visited on the island. Please check back regularly and please let me know if there is anything special you would like to see or hear about.

st peters cemetery bermuda

The preeminent cemetery in St. Georges Bermuda is the cemetery that surrounds St. Peter’s Church. Located 2 blocks from the Customs Agency in St. Georges, St Peter’s occupies its place on a hill overlooking York Street. St. Peter’s is within a blink of an eye from St. George’s Town Hall, the famous dunking chair, and the Whitehorse Saloon where I drank my fair share of Dark ‘n’ Stormys. Let’s talk about Dark and Stormys for a moment; this is the traditional drink for sailors coming to Bermuda. Over a table full of dark and stormys overlooking St. George’s Harbor, sailors recount their stories of mammoth waves, gale force winds, and the tentacles of sea monsters dragging their ships down to Davy Jones’ Locker. The camaraderie of sailors sharing stories is a bonding experience…my favorite part of arriving in port. And if your stomach is not yet up to a Dark and Stormy, GoJo’s Restaurant serves the traditional Codfish Dinner.

Ah….back to St. Peter’s. A bricked pathway leads through the cemetery. The burial ground is filled to capacity and, except for very rare occasions, no new burials are allowed. A walled off section includes burial plots of slaves prior to slave emancipation in 1834. The stones are old but in mostly good condition within the neatly manicured cemetery.

st. peters cemetery cedar

A Bermuda Cedar tree toppled during a storm in 2003 distinguishes the rear section of the graveyard.

Map of St. Georges, Bermuda with St. Peter’s at the center.

Cemeteries of Bermuda (Revisited)

My tours of Cemeteries are always eventful. There’s always something exciting to see either within the cemetery or on the journey there.

Cemeteries Of Bermuda – Part 2

We would like to thank everyone for keeping Keith in your thoughts this past week. Keith has just finished helping deliver a sailboat from Newport, Rhode Island to St. Georges, Bermuda. Readers of this blog know this is his second sailing trip to Bermuda this year. This latest voyage was VERY EVENTFUL as his ship sailed directly through Hurricane Kate. The sailboat sailed through 70+mph winds and 30+foot seas. It was treacherous weather. Other than a little seasickness, Keith and the rest of the crew pulled through safely. He is safe, on land, and has spent several days exploring most of the cemeteries of Bermuda.

Please subscribe to this blog and keep checking back with us for a full write-up of this latest cemetery exploration adventure. Until then, be sure to read about his other cemetery adventures.

“My tours of Cemeteries are always eventful. There’s always something exciting to see either within the cemetery or on the journey there.
This latest adventure trumps all previous cemetery hunting trips. I would like to give a special THANKS to everyone who sent well wishes. I would also like to thank everyone who has sent notes after my arrival in Bermuda. We sailed through a Category 1 Hurricane in the North Atlantic. Winds topped 70knts and our sailboat crested waves 30 feet high. We are currently compiling all my records, pictures, and video. In the coming weeks we will release a documentary on the trip to Bermuda and my study of the cemeteries there. Until the documentary is complete, I will begin posting pictures and recaps from the cemeteries I visited on the island. Please check back regularly and please let me know if you have special interests in cemetery exploration.”

St. Pauls Cemetery - Bermuda

Thank you all, again. – Keith

Military Cemetery at Dawes Bay – Bermuda Cemeteries

The Military Cemetery at Dawes Bay contains the burial remains of sailors and settlers fallen by tragedy including shipwrecks and Yellow Fever.

Dawes Bay Cemetery - Bermuda

Military Cemetery at Dawes Bay – Bermuda

Cresting the hill at Grenadier Lane, travelers are treated to a spectacular view of the crashing waves off the coast of St. Georges, Bermuda. In the distance, breakwater is churned by shallow reefs which have caused damage to uncountable ships looking for safe harbor since the town was settled in 1612.

Cemetery overlooks the sea at Dawes Bay - Bermuda
The Cemetery at Dawes Bay

The Military Cemetery at Dawes Bay contains the burial remains of sailors and settlers fallen by tragedy. Not only ship wreck victims are buried here but also Yellow Fever sufferers from outbreaks in the 1800s. Engraved marble grave markers contain the names of Commanders, Captains, and Commoners.

Military Cemetery on Bermuda. Grave marker of Yellow Fever Victim
Military Cemetery on Bermuda. Grave marker of Yellow Fever Victim

Across from the Cemetery, Dawes Bay is a small inlet ideal for dabbling your feet and feeling the fine grit sand between your toes during calm water days.

Grenadier Lane - Dawes Bay Cemetery

Dawes Bay - Bermuda
Dawes Bay – Bermuda

Lusk Cemetery – Marion County, Tennessee

Lusk Cemetery in the heart of Marion County, Tennessee. Prentice Cooper State Park

Lusk Cemetery

Lusk Cemetery in the heart of Marion County Tennessee

Along dusty Game Reserve Road in the heart of Marion County, Tennessee is a small cemetery deep within the Prentice Cooper State Forest. There was no cemetery listed on my map when I happened upon Lusk Cemetery. With windshield wipers clearing a narrow field of vision, my van was turning earth colored from all the dust being thrown up on this narrow hunting road. Occasionally gunshots rang out and as I exited my vehicle, 4 hunters on two 4-wheelers appeared from the woods. They stopped briefly to watch me extend the legs on my tripod, then, being more interested in hunting deer than watching some weirdo taking pictures in a cemetery, they revved up their all-terrain vehicles and vanished into the densely wooded state park.

I love Marion County and Prentice Cooper State Park. When I’m sick of the city, Prentice Cooper is one of my favorite get-aways. I can hike for miles in the woods and never see a soul. But these guys on their 4-wheelers; I admire them. I admire their local knowledge of the land upon which they live. I admire the fact that if civilization ever shuts down, these guys will be the survivors. I looked upon them with caution as they came roaring up on their 4-wheelers. Would they consider me a threat? Would they not take kindly that I was taking photographs of their relative’s grave sites? Nah, I’m just like them…exploring the land, paying respect to those who have passed along before me, and minding my own business not hurting anyone.

Lusk Cemetery represents God’s Country in Marion County, Tennessee.

Lusk Cemetery

Walling Cemetery – Pikeville Tennessee Near Fall Creek Falls

Walling Cemetery – Pikeville, Tennessee near Fall Creek Falls State Park

Walling Cemetery Picnic Area

Walling Cemetery – Pikeville, TN

On a drive to one of Tennessee’s most beautiful State Parks (Fall Creek Falls), I made a detour to Walling Cemetery. This time of year on the upper elevations of the Cumberland Plateau, the winds carry a chill but the skies are brilliant blue.

Walling Cemetery is one of those cemeteries I imagine is a gathering place for residents in nearby communities. With sheltered eating areas, outhouses, and a small church, I envision countless generations have spent Sunday afternoons congregating on the outer edges of the cemetery grounds. Men speak of football and business dealings while their wives compare hats and Sunday dresses slightly annoyed at their children running and playing amongst the wide open cemetery.

Walling Cemetery - Cemetery Grounds

Walling Cemetery Outhouse

Walling Cemetery Church

Walling Cemetery Stop Sign

Fall Creek Falls State Park

Beck Knob Cemetery Delays Construction

Beck Knob Cemetery – local construction crews discover a long forgotten cemetery forcing bulldozer operators to halt their work.

Cemetery Halts Construction
Cemetery Halts Construction

Beck Knob Cemetery
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Local construction crews halt work after discovering grave plots within their work area.

It’s funny how a simple newscast can change the course of your day. After exiting the post office and returning to my car, I flipped on the local talk radio station to hear the local news. 10 seconds later and I would have missed this news blurb completely. However, Kevin West dropped a hint that a local construction crew discovered a long forgotten cemetery forcing bulldozer operators to halt their work.

I have visited Beck Cemetery many times but I wasn’t familiar with Beck Knob Cemetery. Using a GPS Cemetery Data-Set downloaded into my Garmin, I discovered the cemetery was a quick 5 minute drive from my location. I popped over to survey the cemetery and chat with the construction crew. Instead of workers, I found a news team busily filing their report. They seemed amused when they realized I study cemeteries. Within seconds they asked for (and received) my permission to be interviewed for their evening newscast.

Without proper planning, I felt unprepared to give an interview but the professional reporter lead me through the process fairly pain-free.

Beck Knob Cemetery is a family burying ground dating from the late 1800’s to the early 1940’s. The land was donated by a local land owner when he saw a need for burial plots for former slaves and their families. The ground has been maintained over the decades since the 1940’s but recently fell into neglect. Anyone who lives in the Chattanooga area knows Kudzu, which was brought into the area in the 1800’s to curb erosion of our steep hillsides, quickly overtakes plats of land. Kudzu has completely overgrown Beck Knob in recent years obscuring the cemetery from the construction crew’s visual inspections. By all accounts, the construction crews seem to be acting reasonably in their protection of the cemetery.

Though the cemetery is well known by residents of the area, I feel sure recent news coverage of the cemetery will prompt surrounding land owners to re-familiarize themselves with the cemetery’s boundaries.

New Orleans, Louisiana – St. Louis Cemeteries

New Orleans, Louisiana Cemeteries are fascinating.

With designs fashioned after French burial architecture, New Orleans, Louisiana’s St. Louis cemeteries have weathered hundreds of years of swamp-muggy weather and shifts in culture. Yet, they remain some of the most fascinating cemeteries in the United States.

I first visited New Orleans two years after the Hurricane Katrina event of 2005.  The city was still largely in shambles and I performed relief work to help homeowners in the area.  I wanted to do much more, but the minuscule amount of work I did helped a few homeowners achieve a bit of relief.

On that first trip, I was not able to spend an extensive amount of time visiting cemeteries.  However, on a subsequent drive down to Southern Mississippi in 2016, I made a special trip into New Orleans. 

On this visit, I dedicated time to New Orleans Cemeteries specifically the St. Louis Cemeteries.

Click the link for the YouTube video below:

Common Burying Ground, Newport, Rhode Island

Newport was founded in 1639 and thus its cemeteries have their roots deeply intertwined with early colonial history.

On a frigid January afternoon, I stepped off my sailing vessel on Bowen’s Warf to take in the sights and sounds of historic Newport, Rhode Island.

I was in the midst of a grand adventure that would eventually take me across the North Atlantic Ocean in the middle of Winter to explore the cemeteries on the island nation of Bermuda. In the meantime; I was excited to explore the outer fringes of east coast mainland USA bundled in a thick sweater and rain resistant overcoat. The frigid weather did not discourage hardcore Rhode Islanders. As I strolled along America’s Cup Avenue crowds of people enjoyed the sights and sounds of the piers’ tourist attractions.

Newport was founded in 1639 and thus its cemeteries have their roots deeply intertwined with early colonial history. Geographically lying only 60 miles south of Boston Massachusetts, Newport’s cemeteries share much of the tombstone iconography seen in Boston’s revolutionary and pre-revolutionary burying grounds. While touring Newport’s cemeteries, I was very pleased to see many instances of Winged Death’s Heads adorn the slate used to mark many burial sites.

Common Ground and Island Cemeteries
Founded in 1640 and contains over 5,000 graves.
Notable for slate grave markers with colonial era death symbology including many winged death’s heads and winged hourglass configurations.
God’s Little Acre is the African-American section of the Common Ground Cemetery.
New Port, Rhode Island Common Ground 1

Common Ground 2

Common Ground 3

Common Ground 4

Trinity Cemetery












