Name: Aspen Hill Cemetery
State: Wyoming
Jackson Hole, WY has become a very popular tourist destination. I readily attempt to avoid tourist traps but sometimes I have to delve into huge crowded areas to find cemeteries. Luckily, most tourists are not interested in cemeteries so once I enter the cemetery gates I often find a haven of solitude even amongst the most populated areas.
Aspen Hill Cemetery in Jackson Hole, Wyoming is not a polished and highly manicured cemetery. It is obvious that workers attempt to keep vegetation under control but the tight confines of the grassy areas between headstones make conventional lawn mowing impossible. Weedeaters are employed as is evident by the end pieces of weedeater line that can be seen amongst the tall grass. I am of the opinion that most cemeteries should not be finely manicured. I like the rugged nature of densely populated grave plots.