Name: Chattanooga Memorial Park Cemetery
State: Tennessee
Coordinates: 35 05’39.87N 85 18’07.01W
Chattanooga Memorial Park Cemetery is a large, sprawling cemetery located within the town of Red Bank, Tennessee. Red Bank lies entirely within Hamilton County, Tennessee and immediately adjecent to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Memorial Park is a rolling
Chattanooga Memorial Park Cemetery is one of my first experiments using GPS and Google Earth to map locations of individual grave sites within a cemetery.
I have been experimenting with using my GPS to record individual gravesites and take pictures of the headstones. Using a program called Google Earth I have been able to import the photographs and the GPS coordinates to give a visual representation of the location of each grave site.
This data is saved as a .kml (Keyhole Markup Language) file. To see the .kml file of the Memorial Park Cemetery, please install Google Earth and then download this file. This is an experiment only. Memorial Park Cemetery Map